BAT- Best Available Techniques
The BAT principle- the factory must prove that the techniques used are the most efficient for the reduction of pollution emitted from activity performed on the factory grounds. It should be noted that the principle refers to not only the most efficient method, but to its ability to be implemented in the factory. Both conditions together maintain room for interpretation.
The BAT techniques are defined by reference documents (BREFs) which are published by the European Union, and are regularly updated. These documents direct both authorities and industries in the implementation of the directive.
There is a wide financial significance to the BAT implementation requirement, and the options for implementing the best techniques must be professionally examined in order to both meet the regulation requirements, and stay within budget.
The survey performed is intended for the factory’s compliance with the BAT (best available techniques) requirements. The examination is done with the BAT documents relevant to the factory’s activity. In case relevant clauses are found where the factory does not meet the BAT requirements we will recommend the necessary changes that will bring the factory to meet the BAT.
Relevant documents:
• Link to the reference documents-
• Illustration video on BAT implementation approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection-